Namibia Sustainable Forest Management (NSFM) Project
Project Video
Educational Videos - English

VIDEO: Basics of Sustainable Forest Management

VIDEO: Vegetation in Namibian forests

VIDEO: Forest inventory

VIDEO: Afforestation & Reforestation in Namibia

VIDEO: Silviculture of Natural and planted forests in Namibia

VIDEO: Different roles of forestry stakeholders in Namibia

VIDEO: Agroforestry

VIDEO: Legal framework of forest management
NSFM Educational Videos - Silozi

VIDEO: Mitomo Ya Kamaiso ya Mishitu ka nako ye Telele

VIDEO: Limela mwa mishitu ya Namibian

VIDEO: Mikoloko Ya Limbule Zamwa Mishitu

VIDEO: Kutahisa Mushitu Ni Kubisa Mushitu Hape

VIDEO: Kulima kapa kucalwa kwa mishitu ya simuluho niye tahiswa ka nzila ye zamaiswa

VIDEO: Likalulo ze shutana zaba lipulukelo mwa mishitu ya Namibia

VIDEO: Njimo Ya Likota

VIDEO: Mapepa a Milao ni Litaelo ze ama Kamaiso ya Mishitu mwa Namibia
NSFM Educational Videos - Rumanyo

VIDEO: Litateko Lyaliyendito Wiya Munaruwa

VIDEO: Ufwandi wawiya muNamibia

VIDEO: Livaruro IyaWiya

VIDEO: Litapeko Na Liwederero Vitondo

VIDEO: Unandima Ghontjitwe Vimenwa Nowiya

VIDEO: Vitumbukira vyakukushuvashuva vyavantu ovo vyakundama muNamibia

VIDEO: Unandima Walikwatakano

VIDEO: Ndjenditito yapaveta yaliyendito Wiya muNamibia
NSFM Educational Videos - Rukwangali

VIDEO: Ntanteko Zegendesoyukiliro IyoWiza

VIDEO: Yimenwa yegunda IyaNamibia

VIDEO: Evaruro Yitji yoWiza

VIDEO: Etapekoyimeno ntani Etapukururoyimeno

VIDEO: Unandima woNsitwe ntani Yimenwa yoWiza

VIDEO: Yirugana yokulisiga- siga yoVagendesi ekungowiza moNamibia

VIDEO: Unandimakwatakano

VIDEO: Etuliso Po Veta Zegendesowiza moNamibia
Environmental Awareness and Climate Change Project
Educational videos

VIDEO: Climate Change in Namibia

VIDEO: Innovative Approaches to addressing Namibia’s Water Insecurity

VIDEO: Practical Options for Conserving Water at Home

VIDEO: Water Pollution in the Upper Swakop Basin

VIDEO: Climate Smart Agriculture

VIDEO: Green Economy in Namibia

VIDEO: Land Degradation

VIDEO: Forests, Rangelands and Climate Change in Namibia

VIDEO: Renewable Energy in Namibia

VIDEO: Conserving Energy
Interviews, Namibian Voices about Climate Change, Projects Presentations
VIDEO: ThinkNamibia interviews Greenville Solutions - Social Entrepreneurs pioneering in the Namibian environmental sector

VIDEO: ThinkNamibia Environmental Awareness Campaign: Namibian Youth Conference on Climate Change 2015

VIDEO: ThinkNamibia Environmental Awareness Campaign: 2nd Forum of the Water Youth Namibia

VIDEO: Namibian Youth Voices on Climate Change, Part 1

VIDEO: Namibian Youth Voices on Climate Change, Part 2

VIDEO: ThinkNamibia interviews M&O Decor - Social Entrepreneurs pioneering in the Namibian environmental sector

VIDEO: ThinkNamibia interviews Greenville Solutions - Social Entrepreneurs pioneering in the Namibian environmental sector

VIDEO: Celebrating World Environment Day 2016

VIDEO: Social Entrepreneurs in the Namibian Environmental Sector: GreenMachine Waterless Carwash

VIDEO: Social Entrepreneurs In The Namibian Environmental Sector: Agri GreenGrow

VIDEO: Views from environmental awareness workshop participants: Rundu 7 September 2016

VIDEO: What is the Plastic Free Namibia Campaign?

VIDEO: What is the Namibia Youth Coalition on Climate Change (NYCCC) - Part 1

VIDEO: What is the Namibia Youth Coalition on Climate Change (NYCCC) - Part 2
Promoting Renewable Energies in Namibia (PREN) Project
Rural Electrification

Video: School Pre-Visits

Video: Solar System Inauguration

Video: Solar Photovoltaic (PV) installed at Omuuni and Ondjabayonghalu Combined Schools in Ohangwena Region

Video: Solar installation at Omuuni and Ondjamba Yonghalu Combined Schools
Solar Cooking Workshop at NaDEET

Video: Solar Cooking and Sustainable Living Workshop - Energy Efficiency

Video: Solar cooking and Sustainable Living Workshop - Fire balls

VIDEO: Solar cooking and Sustainable Living Workshop - Solar Cookers

VIDEO: Solar cooking and Sustainable Living Workshop - Eco- Entrepreneurs
Other workshops and trainings

VIDEO: SME Training in Outapi - Renewable Energies

VIDEO: Solar Cooking and Sustainable Living Workshop (PREN Project)

VIDEO: Renewable energies technologies service providers training workshop

VIDEO: NaYORE renewable Energy Youth Symposium
Entrepreneurs are going green

VIDEO: Entrepreneurs are going green in Namibia! (Part 1)

VIDEO: Entrepreneurs are going green in Namibia! (Part 2)

VIDEO: Entrepreneurs are going green in Namibia! (Part 3)

VIDEO: Entrepreneurs are going green in Namibia! (Part 4)

VIDEO: EduVentures Ombombo Mobile Classroom

VIDEO: PREN Project (EduVentures) Shambyu Secondary School
Aquaponics Namibia Project

VIDEO: Aquaponics System Construction: Aris School | Innovative Agriculture

VIDEO: Construction Manual for an Aquaponics System in Namibia | Innovative Agriculture

VIDEO: What is Aquaponics? | Innovative Agriculture