TH!NK Namibia News

Another Five Community Forests trained in Sustainable Forest Management (PART 2)


From mid-March to the beginning of April, the ‘Promoting Sustainable Forest Management in the Kavango-Zambezi-Region in Namibia’ (NSFM) Project was in the field again and trained the members of five Community Forests in Zambezi, Kavango East as well as Kavango West Region on Sustainable Forest Management. The two-day long workshops aimed at equipping members of Community Forests with the necessary skills...

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Multipliers Trained on Sustainable Forest Management in Katima Mulilo


18 enthusiastic young men and women met for a two-day workshop on Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Katima Mulilo on 21 and 22 February 2022. Organised by the NSFM-Project, this workshop is part of numerous workshops that are aiming at improving knowledge and skills on SFM among Community Forest (CF) members, Traditional Authority (TA) representatives and Multipliers such as leading members...

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