TH!NK Namibia News

Otjikoto Biomass power station to contribute 40 Megawatts of Namibia’s electricity


As Namibia continues to harness the abundant renewable energy resources, the country’s national power utility NamPower has considered an investment of N$1.9 Billion into a 40 Megawatts biomass project. The Otjikoto Biomass Power Station forms part of the generation projects of NamPower targeted to generate a total of 100 Megawatts. According to Grant Muller, head of generation projects at NamPower the...

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Youth empowered on environmental sustainability


By Selma Shiwaya A group of twenty-nine young people from seven regions across the country took part in a Solar Cooking and Sustainable Living workshop that recently took place at the Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) Centre in the NamibRand Nature Reserve. Participants from Erongo, Karas, Hardap, Omaheke, Oshana, Omusati, Khomas and Kunene were part of the workshop that was...

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Namibia calls for implementation of Paris Climate Agreement

WINDHOEK – With recent climatic disaster experienced in the Southern African region, Namibia says it is high time to call for the full implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement, and for all state parties to honour their commitments particularly to small states that are at the receiving end of climate calamities. This call was made by international relations Executive Director Selma...

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Hanns Seidel Foundation ups rural electrification


The Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) recently electrified Otjikojo and Ongongo primary schools in Kunene region. The initiative, which forms part of the Foundation’s 3-year Pilot Project, Promoting Renewable Energies in Namibia (PREN), aims to electrify off-grid rural schools with renewable energy. At a cost of N$ 500 000 the initiative included the installation of 3-kilowatt solar power systems at the two...

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Data Portal on Rural Electrification Workshop


Four students from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in the United States of America developed a data portal of schools, hospitals, and clinics, with or without electricity in rural areas in Namibia. Known as Data Portal on Rural Electrification the system can trace such facilities with accuracy that includes distance to nearest power lines, images, and the ratio of students to teachers.

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PREN Project reaches out to Kavango East and Zambezi regions


The PREN Project team accompanied by our project partners EduVentures and Namibia Energy Institute (NEI) embarked upon a familiarization visit to Kavango East and Zambezi Regions from 17 to 22 February 2019. The purpose of the visit was to meet local leaders to introduce the PREN Project and partners and visit rural schools that were identified to benefit from PREN Project...

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Hydropower development and water storage conference slated for April


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A Cry for Sustainable help


Have you ever wondered what would happen to the earth if we continue on this roller coaster called unsustainable living? The environment has a remarkable ability to sustain itself. However, human behaviours disrupt the natural environment and threaten environmental sustainability. Current trends and patterns of resource-use, coupled with a rapidly changing, increasingly unequal balance of climate change, are impacting human-environment interactions...

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  899 Hits

New regional centre set to drive renewable energy efforts


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  655 Hits

Sustainable Living Is Possible


There is a great African proverb that we live by at Nature is Home Namibia, it states, “There is no division between nature and humanity”. Nature is Home Namibia is a project that aims to produce eco-products and promote a nature loving society. We currently make and sell reusable shopping bags. It is important to live sustainably and in harmony with...

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